Competition is a necessity in today's business environment. Without the proverbial wolves nipping at your heels "encouraging" you to move faster people tend to rest on their laurels as they admire their accomplishments and sit back to enjoy the fruits of their previous labors. I am no different - for those of you who know - I thought I had it made with a potential million a year on trailer fees from a particular company that I'm still a little too angry to say out loud at at the moment. Imagine my chagrin at being unceremoniously dropped back to the ground once this source disappeared!
They always say that the first million is the hardest - and I somewhat agree and disagree with that comment. On one hand, I agree because it's the hardest only because it requires the most energy to convert potential energy into kinetic.
Taking a stationary object and making it move is much harder than giving something that's already rolling a good push. With the connections I've made in the past, and the business knowledge I've gained on what to do, and more importantly, what NOT to do, I'm a little wiser (at least I'd like to think so) and a little more cautious in my TRY before TRUST phase.
On the other hand, I disagree because once you understand the patterns of cashflow, it's not difficult to setup an automatic million. It doesn't take as much capital as you'd think.
Back to the topic at hand because it's definitely not all about me ;). Canada needs to think about opening their doors to more businesses. Look at the state of the US cell phone market vs. Canada's. Granted I did write about more choices making things more difficult, but too few choices also means that companies have to try a whole lot less to get your business when you just don't have anywhere else to turn to. If your internet provider sucks, how many places and options do you truly have at the end of the day? This article from BC Business delves into how Canada became the worst from their lofty position of first in terms of internet access, speed, service, communications, etc. I'd like to hear your opinions on what you think should be done. How do we go back to our position at the top, or at least give those other guys a damn good run for their money?
Thanks for reading.
-Earl Flormata
A Day in the Life of a Realtor Parody Episode #1
14 years ago
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