Saturday, September 6, 2008

Earl Flormata - Cash Flow BC - Dan "The Man" Lok

Today at the Cash Flow BC event, the guest speaker was none other than Dan "the Man" Lok - internet marketing maven. From his title of best conversion expert to his newsletter to his ultimate lifestyle intensive site, he's got a plethora of information readily available for the average Joe to learn more about the secrets of internet marketing. Well as a courtesy for him being a guest speaker in my office space, here's a link to his blog. His mentorship program can be found at the following site. Another book that Dan had recommended was Scientific Advertising - a free e-book

His content was very dynamic and in-your-face with some very high level stats to prove his abilities. I'm looking forward to the release of his new book, and also our future joint venture projects.

Thanks for reading,
Earl Flormata


- It's not just HOW MUCH money you make, it's HOW you make the money.
- Build your business around your own lifestyle preference
- What does your perfect lifestyle look like?
- What do you want?
- What do you REALLY want?

- Here's what I want
- few employees
- high net profit
- low overhead
- retain control of my personal time
- money coming in while I sleep (you'll never hit financial freedom unless you...)
- work on exciting projects
- an opportunity to learn and grow
- FUN!

Term: Compulsive Empire Builder.

Suggestion: Set Daily Income Goals

I want a highly profitable and predictable business that allows me the freedom to do what I want, when I want to do it and with whom I want to do it with.

Success on the net lets you do what you want with your life!

If you don't want to you don't have to

Get up every morning and go to work in traffic
Answer to a boss that is unappreciative
Beg for a raise that you deserve
put of family vacations
mercy of job or business
worry about family
wish had more time to spend

Every business is a reflection of its owner.


3 lessons

Million Dollar Lesson #1
I developed the skill of spending money I didn't have on inforamtion I knew I needed.

Your income can only grow to the extent that you do! Your Wealth can only grow as fast as you do!

You must Earn th Right to be Rich.

All the qualities that are necessary for success and wealth are habits that must be developed and skills must be sharpened.

Rich people do what's hard - That's why their life is Easy. Poor people do what's easy, that's why their life is hard.

Jan 16th and 17th in Vancouver.
NOT in the seminar business (1 event per year)

Who was your mentor?
First mentor: Alan Jacks (marketing mentor)
Business mentor: Dan Pania (scotland - grew 0-400M in 8 years)


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