Sunday, November 2, 2008

Earl Flormata - To RRSP or not to RRSP?

With all of the confusion around what to play in, and what not to play in people wonder what options to take and usually follow the lemming approach where if so and so is doing it, and the banks are all advertising it, then it MUST be good for me... right?

Today I hope to cover the good, the bad, and the ugly in regards to RRSPs as per a study done by the CD Howe Institute. In summary for those too lazy to check the hyperlink in my blog title,


The one redeeming point of an RRSP is that the compounding interest growth on the account is tax free - which is almost as good as taking double the amount of earnings that an investment OUTSIDE of an RRSP could produce. In other words, 8% growth IN your RRSP is almost as good as 16% growth OUTSIDE of your RRSP. However for the most part, it's difficult to find great options in a managed RRSP account. For those wanting to brave their RRSP frontier, they may wish to learn about self-directed accounts that are able to give you the flexibility you require to reach for the opportunities that exist out there.

There are some land backed commercial real estate opportunities out there for the taking. I'll be covering some of those opportunities in later articles.


It's not so much a tax savings - but rather a tax deferral strategy.
The concept of RRSPs is that you save the taxes now while you're in a higher bracket, and you'll pay them out later when you withdraw them from a lower bracket.

It's not so bad as an idea for the general masses, but if you look at the structure, it's planning for doom and gloom to begin with. Planning for instance to be in a LOWER BRACKET already sets the mindset of many that they will be unsuccessful in their businesses, investments, and projects in the future. The vast majority of businesses fail in their earlier years - but that's also because a lack of education and a lack of faith in the general public towards seeing a family member or a friend take the entrepreneurial route. With the crab mentality, you're doomed to failure unless you can break free of the box that people see you in. Who's to say that you can't invest well and have properties and dividends paying you more than you earned in the long run? Who's to say that you can't create a successful business prior to your retirement, or even PURCHASE an already successful business? Without education on the options about success, the lower bracket argument rings true, but is it truly the only option?


RRSP's not for everybody
RRSP's a bad option for low income earners

There are many reasons why NOT to get an RRSP - and these two articles outline quite a bit of the deficiencies. Looking at the PDF link from the title of this blog as I've mentioned earlier shows that it doesn't add up for everyone - yet people are unknowingly sabotaging their finances by following the banks like sheep. Get a friend who's good with numbers to check things out for you - or pay an accountant to find out whether or not you're making the right choice. It's a much smaller fee to pay than to find out a lifetime of mistaken placements will not support you until the end of your days.

Thanks for reading,
Earl Flormata

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